Monday, January 18, 2010

Fighting for Marriage in California, Part I

At a time when advocates of truth are so sorely needed, it is unsurprising that some of Oak Brook's own are on the front lines of the battle for traditional marriage in the U.S.

One of those "front lines" is California's Prop 8 trial, which began in San Francisco last Monday, January 11.

Prop 8 Background

Passed by California voters in November, 2008, Prop 8 made this simple declaration: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." (Learn more about the Prop 8 campaign here.)

The proposition's passage caused an immediate furor from California's vocal community of opponents to traditional marriage -- furor promptly funneled into federal litigation. In May, 2009, the case of Perry v. Schwarzenegger, brought by two men and two women challenging the proposition's constitutionality, was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. (Click here to read the Alliance Defense Fund fact sheet on the case, and here for a summary of the litigation and a link to ADF's brief on behalf of

Now, just a year after Prop 8 passed into law, Perry has come on for trial in San Francisco. (Here is some local perspective on the trial.) Trial is expected to last more than two weeks.

Voices We Know

Oak Brook students and alumni following the trial coverage will likely recognize some familiar voices. Jordan Lorence, Oak Brook's beloved Constitutional Law professor and Senior Vice President at the Alliance Defense Fund, is serving as ADF's media liaison for the duration of the trial.

Follow Professor Lorence's coverage at the following sites hosted by Alliance Defense Fund:

ADF Alliance Alert - This site links to ADF media releases as well as outside media reports on the trial and interviews with ADF attorneys.

Perry v. Schwarzenegger Resource Page
- ADF's home for Perry-related news releases.

Another voice for the defense of marriage is OBCL's Matthew McReynolds (99B), an attorney with the Pacific Justice Institute. Both McReynolds and Lorence were featured last Friday in a Family News in Focus report on the trial. (Click here for interview audio.)

McReynolds and the California-based PJI have been involved in Prop 8's defense since long before Perry. For more on Matt's work for marriage in California, stay tuned for "Fighting for Marriage in California, Part II" . . .

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If YOU are (or know of) an Oak Brook student or alumnus with reports from the front lines in the fight for truth, send an e-mail to our Media Relations chairman, Mark Bigger. We'd love to feature your story!

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