For the next several weeks on the OBCLAA Blog, we will be introducing OBCLAA's 2013-2014 Board. As we introduce the leadership of the Alumni Association, you will catch a glimpse of the goals we hope to see accomplished this year. It is our hope that something you will read here will give you an idea for how YOU can get involved. Please feel free to post a reply or contact individual Board members.

OBCL was a great match because of the affordability and
flexibility that its long-distance program offered. It is a joy for Jessica to be the
Paralegal Liaison this year to further the networking of paralegals and
attorneys within the alumni of OBCL. She had this to say about her goals for
this year: “I am looking forward to contacting the paralegal grads in the
months to come to connect them to the alumni association through calls and the
newsletters. Once again I
will be organizing the mentor program for the current students in their
studies. And generally I am
thrilled to help our paralegals to be excited about what they do and to help
them network with other OBCL paralegals and lawyers.”
If you have any questions for Jessica about how you can be
involved, she can be reached by e-mail at
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