For the next couple of weeks, we'll be introducing (or re-introducing) the members of the OBCLAA's 2012-2013 Board. We're hoping that this will give you some insight into who's leading the OBCLAA and where we hope to take the Association over the next year. As always, if one of these bios gives you an idea for how YOU can get involved, don't hesitate to post a reply or contact individual Board members. Enjoy!
Today we'll be meeting Caleb Harlin, the Chairman of the National Association & Accreditation Committee. Caleb is continuing in this position after doing some impressive work in his 2011-2012 spearheading the research behind our interactive map of State Bar Rules. Thanks, Caleb!

My time at Oak Brook was very valuable in many ways. First, it enabled me to study the law from a principled, Christian perspective. Second, the flexibility of its method of study allowed me to invest a great deal of time in my family during my years in law school. Third, it was affordable. Finally, it adequately prepared me to pass the bar and ultimately to be successful in actual legal practice.
Great map! I've used it several times already. Thanks for the research, Caleb!