12 graduates of OBCL are in Bakersfield doing bar prep for next week's bar exam. Most of them have been putting in long days as they went through two simulated full bar exams and hours of discussion and private study.

Paul Johnson is caught looking at his cell phone during essays. He is likely to face censure from the group during a lunch hour meeting at Moo's Creamery. Luke Bowman studies on with a Bible verse from his namesake in the background as Josiah Heagy and Christiana Holcomb demonstrate the concentration that makes Bakersfield OBCL Bar Passage rates second to none.

Justin Kelly, Ryan Bedford, and Jason Lau have come from all over the world to study in the Oak Brook Mecca of Bakersfield, California.
Please keep bar takers in your prayers this week as they get ready to increase our bar passage rate.
Interesting! I am also taking bar exam this year, so I was looking for best Bar Review Courses available online. Let me know if you know any, because I want the best so that I do not miss out any chance to get through with this exam.